------ Links - Sources - Details - Acknowledgements - Thanks -------

Many Thanks: The creation of this site has relied heavily on the scantly available resources pertaining to the history of 59 Sqn. The sources have been few but those I have found are plentiful in their colourful representation of events and day to day life during WWII, with 59. Some sources are online memiores and others are books but all are well worth a read. It has never been my intention to divert attention from these sources... rather, to use the information and knowledge gained from them to help piece together the puzzle of dates, names and events that became this site. I recommend fully, that you view the following sources as they are a fascinating read.

Published Sources
Author - Alex Fry
Author - Larry Donnelley
Author - Jon Lake

Editor - Paul Eden

Author - Alwyn Jay
Author - James R Stevens
Author - Richard Los
Author - Robert Stitt

The People: The following is a list of people and who have contributed greatly to my research. Peter Clare, who helped me tirelessly to source and confirm alot of the aircraft and crew information. Robert Stitt who provided me with invaluable Fortress information, and accounts from the Sqn ORB. Smidge for helping me source crew and mission details for the RAAF airmen and all those who left me little bits of the puzzle on the WWII talk forum. Also thanks to Walter Lindekans of the Blenheim Society for putting me onto sites where I found many crew photos and names ( and also for putting me in touch with Alec McCurdy (pilot), who served with 59 Sqn in late 1940, early 1941 and is still flying strong and living in Berkshire. Thanks to Alec, who kindly sent me a copy of Chapter II from his memoires detailing his service with 59, which he hopes will be published upon completion.

Also thanks to the families who have sent me copies of their own research, or papers/ memoires or service histories put together by their relatives that served. Special mention to Dave Lefurgey (nephew of W/C Robert Niven), James Barson (son of F/L Neville Barson), Steve Bailey (son of W/O Alf "Ace" Bailey), Frank Wilson (nephew of Sgt Bill Wilson), Andy Shaw (grandson of W/C Bartlett), Don Howard who served with 59 Sqn from Dec '43 till May '45 as a Nav/B who has written extensively on his years in service and too anyone I have missed, thank you.

The memoires of Ernest E Allen, HF Tuckwood ( Canadian), Alec McCurdy, Richard "Joe" Los (Keep Them Flying) and Endurance by Alwyn Jay (to which Joe Collins [59 Sqn] contributed heavily) have all been an immense part of my research and I highly recommend further reading and viewing of these sources... The service history of Ken "Titch" Regan (English), was compiled by his son Chris Regan and many of the events during the war were taken from the accounts of his mother, Monica Bartlett. Monica, or Monty was also a member of 59 Sqn. See the link below.

Online Resources
Service History of Ken "Titch" Regan




Other Sites of Interest

Pen and Sword Books

------ Disclaimer -------

I do not claim to have made any history, I have merely "linked some of the dots" so to speak. Some of the writing is my own, some of it is not but I have included sources and credits. All images and information have been used in good faith, and only with the intention of honouring the personnel who served and providing a place for their family members and others to learn about 59 Sqn history. It is not intended that this site be the "Mecca" of all information... I urge all those that wish to learn more to view the 'links' above for further reading materials, sources and sites to view. However, if you feel that a copyright infringement has occurred please let me know...

The information contained in this site is correct to the best of my knowledge. I do not claim to be an expert on the history of WWII and I am well aware there are many far more knowledgeable scholars out there. So if you do find an error, slightly (or perhaps blatantly) inaccurate information then please feel free to let me know.

This site was created by and information compiled by L.Del Mann - © 2008