Name of Captain: F/L Herbert Lipsit
Aircraft: Liberator Mk.VIII
Crew Details:


F/L Herbert B. Lipsit was posted in from 1674 HCU on 07.03.1945. Photo most likely taken at RAF Ballykelly in Northern Ireland. Herbert is centre front row.

Front L-R: The two navigators - either/or F/O J.M. Wells (Nav) - F/O A.G. Loadman (Nav) - F/L H.B. Lipsit (skipper) - F/O J.C. Aitken (co-pilot) - Sgt H. Woolard (Flight Engineer)

Back row: any of the following: W/O K.C. Warner (W/Op) - Sgt. J.A. Brindley (AG) - Sgt. F. Buckley (AG) - Sgt Davies (AG) - Sgt E.G. Lester (AG) - Sgt R. Nellist (AG).

Thank you to Adam, the grandson of F/L Lipsit for identifying him in this previously "unknown" crew photo.

The ORB notes that F/L Lipsit & the following crew, flew their first sortie on 26.04.1945, in Lib. VIII - KK322, an A/U Patrol. It appears that they had an extra to the line up as it appears to be an 11 man crew... Other than the pilots and navigators listed below, the muster of each airmen is guessed correct.

F/L H.B. Lipsit (skipper) - F/O J.C. Aitken (co-pilot) - F/O J.M. Wells (Nav) - F/O A.G. Loadman (Nav) - Sgt H. Woolard (Flight Engineer) - W/O K.C. Warner (W/Op) - Sgt. J.A. Brindley (AG) - Sgt. F. Buckley (AG) - Sgt Davies (AG) - Sgt E.G. Lester (AG) - Sgt R. Nellist (AG).






Further Information - Images sourced from unless stated otherwise


Memorial & Tribute Page Links
F/L Lipsit
F/O Aitken
F/O Wells
F/O Loadman
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Sgt. Woolard
W/O Warner
Sgt. Brindley
Sgt. Buckley
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Sgt. Davies
Sgt. Lester
Sgt. Nellist
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Coastal Command - Constant Endeavour