Rank & Name: F/Lt L.A. Shawyer DFC
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Duty: Signaller


F/Lt Shawyer DFC was a signaller on strength, noted in the ORB on reformation in 1947. He was crew with "B" Flight. It's probable that when the Officer in Command, S/Ldr Best AFC was on op's, F/Lt Shawyer DFC was his signaller. He may have also been the squadron Signals Leader.

(back L-R) F/L KJ Ryall DFC, F/L DI Jefferey (front: L-R) F/L LA Shawyer DFC, S/L EV Best AFC - in the background is 59 York - TB-L.


Further Information

If you have any information about F/Lt Shawyer, please contact me, thank you.
